Are Burger King's Fries Considered Gluten-Free?
Gluten-free diets can be a bit tricky to navigate when you're eating out. Those who are sensitive to even trace amounts of gluten will need to dine at restaurants that have a dedicated gluten-free section of the kitchen to avoid cross-contact. Burger King's fries are technically wheat-free from an ingredients perspective, but they are fried in the same oil as dishes that contain gluten — like its onion rings, chicken nuggets, and chicken fries. In this regard it's best to consider the fries not suitable for those with celiac disease, and not completely free of gluten.
Those with gluten intolerance rather than celiac disease may be able to still eat the fries, however, depending on their level of sensitivity; there could be a level of cross-contact that is minimal enough to not trigger symptoms for some. The issue is that it's hard to control and measure cross-contact in a fast food kitchen, which is why another fast food giant, McDonald's, doesn't offer any guaranteed gluten-free options.
Restaurants that cater to celiacs and others on strict gluten-free diets either have a separate prep and cooking area from foods containing gluten or have kitchens that never allow anything with gluten inside.
What can people on gluten-free diets eat at Burger King?
There are a few wheat-free items on Burger King's menu with less risk of gluten cross-contact than its fries. However, you're pretty much limited to beverages, shakes, soft-serve ice cream (in a cup, no cone), Mott's applesauce, and oatmeal. (Oats are naturally gluten-free, though there are caveats.) You can also get a Whopper or grilled chicken sandwich without the bun. Just keep in mind the risk of cross-contact is high — which is why Burger King doesn't guarantee your food didn't come into contact with any known allergens in the kitchen.
If you're out and need a quick gluten-free meal, many gluten-sensitive people on Reddit claim that Chipotle is a good option, especially if you ask employees to use fresh ingredients that haven't had cross-contact with the flour tortillas. Another tip for eating gluten-free is to ask the staff to change their gloves before making your order, and to be sure you state that you have a gluten allergy.