Ways To Wean Off Coffee


Everyone has his or her morning routine. 

Go to the gym.

Walk the dog.

Leave the house at 8 a.m.

Grab coffee and head to the train. 

For most people, the moment when the glorious aroma of fresh coffee grinds fills the air, it's clear that there's hope to survive the day. The first sip of joe brings a welcomed sense of comfort and renewal. Yet, if coffee has been an essential part of your daily routine for years, you may be considering trying to cut it out of your everyday diet.  If you are, we've got your back. Consider a few suggestions for weaning off coffee as painlessly as possible. Yes, this seems unfathomable, but can be necessary.  Before you know it, visits to the coffee machine or corner store will be few and far between.

Click here for the coffee alternatives slideshow

Tea Time

Believe it or not, green tea has a significant amount of caffeine, but less than coffee, which is a plus for weaners. Don't like the taste of green tea? No problem. Add sweeteners like honey or even peppermint sticks to mask the taste. Other helpful caffeinated teas are chai, ginseng, and chamomile. Although you are still taking in caffeine, it's less overtime, which will ensure a successful detox experience. 

Juice It Up

Who doesn't enjoy a fresh cup of juice in the morning? Certain choices like pomegranate and prune are excellent sources of energy when avoiding caffeine altogether. For natural purists, also consider coconut water and a glass of warm water with a splash of lemon juice. Great for detoxing, these alternatives are quick grabs and a better choice to start the day. For those chilly mornings, opt for organic hot apple cider or hot chocolate made from organic or raw cocoa powder.

Did Someone Say Shots?

No, not booze. More like shots of healthful wheatgrass. This chlorophyll-dense superfood is loaded with invigorating vitamins and minerals, and is packed with protein. Plus, it will boost your mood, is great for weight loss, and improves skin quality. Start out with one ounce per day and gradually advance to two ounces. If wheatgrass isn't your thing, green and protein smoothies are high in energy-boosters, offering the same effect as caffeine, but with healthier results.

Still nervous about weaning off the bean? Well, here are a few more facts. Weaning is better than going cold turkey and causes withdrawal symptoms to be way less severe. Due to the gradual decrease in coffee, there will be seldom to no caffeine headaches (because those are the worst).The process is less of a shock to the system and allows you to function as a normal person (no zombies here!) and still be productive at work. It's a longer process, but know that you're body thanks you for every healthful choice you make. There are so many resources to help your journey to deter the epic caffeine addiction.  Take it one day at a time, you got this!