How To Open A Bottle Of Wine Without A Corkscrew

We've all been there — you and your friends are excited to dive into a fabulous bottle of wine, only to realize there's not a screw cap, you don't have a corkscrew, and you can't open it. Before you turn your house upside down, ask to borrow your neighbor's corkscrew, or head out buy a new one — here's a solution that will save you the hassle.

There are many great theories on the best alternative ways to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew: phone book, shoe, knife, you name it. And all of these work well enough in their own ways. Nevertheless, there's one corky theory (pun intended) that we believe is the best of all: the hanger method.

There two approaches to this method. First, you can flatten the top or the hook of the hanger and wrap it around a screwdriver. If you choose to go with this method, you're essentially creating your own makeshift corkscrew.

You can also straighten the hook and create a smaller hook with the last half-inch of the hanger wire. Then, you push that portion of the wire between the cork and the bottle of the neck until it reaches the bottom of the cork.

After this is done, turn the wire so that it presses through the bottom of the cork. Then, pull upwards — it's that easy. The final step? Grab some glasses, pour some wine for you and your friends, and enjoy!

Click here for a video demonstration on how to open a bottle of wine with a hanger, a phone book, and more!