What Is Vegan Food?

Vegan food is growing in popularity; a number of restaurants, bakeries, and other eating establishments are now devoted solely to vegan fare. But what exactly is vegan food, and how is it different from vegetarian fare? Vegan food is different from vegetarian food because it does not include any animal products — unlike vegetarians, vegans don't eat foods like eggs, milk, or cheese. Some vegan food even abstains from the use of honey.

Thus, vegan food is plant-based food; a vegan diet relies on fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Vegan food often includes meat alternatives or substitutes like tofu and tempeh (made from soybeans) and seitan (made from wheat gluten), milk and cheese alternatives made from coconut, soy, or nuts, and egg alternatives made from flax seeds. 

Though vegan food will often mimic other types of well-known food (like sushi, pizza, or burgers) each ingredient that goes into making vegan food is plant based; vegan food is free of anything derived from animals.

Kristie Collado is The Daily Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.