BBC Newsroom Staff Writes Nasty Notes To Cheesecake Thief

A stolen slice of New York cheesecake caused a BBC newsroom staff member to leave a rude note to the thief responsible for stealing the dairy-heavy dessert.

A co-worker documented the exchange on Twitter, who had a field day over the interaction.

"To the scumbag who stole my New York cheesecake," began the note. "I hope you choke on it!"

The note was unsigned and left at the scene of the crime, aka the kitchen. Swiftly, another note (as well as another slice of cheesecake) from a third party, took its place.

It read, "To the angry victim of the crime, violence is not the answer! There is cheesecake for you in here. To the cheesecake pilferer — go give money to the homeless!"

Unfortunately, the cycle continued as the second piece of cheesecake was stolen!

"To the kind replacer of the cheesecake. It appears crime does pay as it's been taken! Someone else now needs to help the homeless and repent!" the note read.

Twitter reacted with much enthusiasm over the cake debacle.

If you love cheesecake as much as the BBC Newsroom cheesecake thief, check out these 11 cheesecake recipes you have to try.