Dark Vs. Light Liquor: Which Makes You More Hungover?

Let's talk hangovers. The damage that your whiskey ginger will have on your morning after may be lingering in the back of your mind as you sip your drink, but at that point, it might be too late. You've already ordered the drink, spent the money, and done the damage. To help you avoid a hangover all together (instead of enlightening you on ways to cure one), here's a helpful tip: Dark liquor is not your friend.

When you're sipping on your favorite cocktail, chances are, the fermenting process isn't the first thing on your mind. That's fair, but you don't have to be a mixologist to know which liquor does what to your body. Hint: The fermenting process has a lot to do with it.

Many alcoholic beverages — like bourbon and vodka — contain byproducts called congeners. Congeners are leftovers of materials used when the liquors are created, and some liquors contain more than others. According to EurekAlert, bourbon, for example, has 37 times the amount of congeners that vodka has.

Think about it this way: The range of colors in liquor is caused by different chemical mixtures. Each type of liquor is made with different materials, and some materials are harder for your body to digest. The more chemicals and congeners your body needs to digest, the harder it will be on your head, stomach, and overall health.

Generally, balance is the key to avoiding a horrid hangover. If you are casually swigging a cocktail of any kind, the type of liquor will make little to no difference after the fact. However, if you're throwing 'em back or ordering straight liquor on the rocks, choose your spirit with caution, especially if you need to be productive the next day.