4 Incredible DIY Crafts You Can Make With A Paper Plate

Every parent has heard it: the dreaded "I'm bored" statement. The one that causes all of the moping and sulking. Despite the fact that your kids have the latest tech devices loaded with games, sometimes a rainy day or lazy Saturday leaves enough room for old fashioned boredom. You don't have to be a DIY whiz or a craft maven to introduce your kids to a creative, good time; all you need are some paper plates. With a few of these blank canvases, you can create fun and even functional crafts that will make the kids smile and keep them entertained. Tan inspiration from these fabulous project ideas to get you started!


Whether it is Halloween or a slow Saturday, these fun and frankly gorgeous masks are a perfect way to put to paper plates to use.

Paper Plates

Click here for detailed instructions.

Paper Plate Pizza
pizza plate

Help the kids open up their own pizzeria without the mess. Construction paper and glue are all you need to make a paper pizza. Just be sure to help them cut out the toppings! 

Click here for the instructions.

Stamp Them

EtsyPaper Plate

Let the kids stamp them before a party for a unique look, or let them have fun with a different canvas, arm them with watercolor paints, and let them go to town just because.

Weave Them

paper plate

With yarn and a paper plate, you can create a cool work of art just like this! Simply cut the plate and get to wrapping!