What Does 'Undeclared Milk' Mean In Food Recalls?

Food recalls can be scary for shoppers, and considering 2024 was filled with several major food recalls from companies ranging from Walmart to McDonalds, they're not all that uncommon. While food can be recalled for many reasons, one you might see crop up is for "undeclared milk." A recall for undeclared milk means that the product contains milk or proteins derived from it, even though the packaging doesn't list it as an ingredient. 

Undeclared milk recalls can range from relatively minor to FDA class I recalls (the highest level) such as the January 2025 Frito Lay recall. In a class I recall, the product is at greater risk of causing serious health problems or even death if used. It is, however, important to note that undeclared milk recalls typically aren't due to intentional mishandling. Instead, they're often the result of mislabeling, cross-contact, or ingredient updates that aren't properly reflected on packaging.

What are the consequences of undeclared milk in food recalls?

While undeclared milk might not seem like such a big deal if dairy is already part of your regular diet, it can have serious negative consequences for some. Milk is one of eight major food allergens and therefore must be declared on packaging in the U.S. if it is an ingredient. When someone with an allergy consumes products with milk, they can experience symptoms ranging from simple things like rashes to serious life-threatening issues such as throat constriction or even loss of consciousness.

The good news is that food recalls often occur before the affected product has caused major harm. That said, consumers may have already purchased the product. Thankfully, official recalls usually list out the batch numbers and dates of production so that consumers know which products are at risk and which are still safe to consume. If you have purchased a recalled product, the brand often advises consumers to return it for a full refund, both keeping you safe and preventing wasted money on expensive groceries that keep getting more expensive. That's why if you come across one of these recalls, it's something to take seriously.