Watch Anthony Bourdain's 'Archer' Trailer

If you need your Anthony Bourdain fix before Thursday's premiere of his Archer episode, here's a teaser for you.

Last week, Bourdain's social media guru Helen Cho tweeted an image of animated Anthony Bourdain in Archer form, saying, "YES, THIS. IS. HAPPENING." The Internet geeked out accordingly, as Bourdain explained via Facebook, "I hung around the Archer parking lot until they gave me some work... "

Now, FX has released a trailer to the Bourdain episode, in which Bourdain voices celebrity chef character Lance Casteau, a high-strung chef who apparently enjoys throwing what looks like eggs (or dough?) and eggplants at Archer and Cyril. The plot: Archer, Lana, and Cyril go undercover in the restaurant, described as a "hellish kitchen," where the head honcho makes Cyril cry and suggests to Archer, "maybe being a secret agent isn't your true calling." Watch below to hear Bourdain take on voice acting, and watch the whole episode on FX at 10 p.m. ET/PT. Will Archer try his hand at professional cooking? Will Casteau pull out some Brazilian jiu-jitsu moves inspired by Ottavia Bourdain? Bourdain's not spilling much over on his AMA on Reddit, so we might have to wait until Thursday.