Sugar Science: The Art Of Candy Making


By Michael Laiskonis, ICE Creative Director


As a professional pastry chef, I have a deep relationship with candy. But then don't we all? Several years ago, I began to ponder the 'culture' that surrounds our taste for sweets. What I came to realize is that we relate to sweetness on three different levels: the physiological, the psychological, and the nostalgic.


With the possible exception of salt, the instinctual desire for sweetness—more than any other taste—is surely hardwired somewhere deep within our DNA. From the moment of birth, we seek our nourishment and comfort in the rich, sweetened form of mother's milk; it is indeed the only taste we know in our early months. Eventually our sense of taste becomes considerably more complex as our food choices expand, but I find it interesting that, for all humans, the craving for sweet endures.