Starbucks 2016 Holiday Cup Design Leaked On Reddit

There are few things in life quite as innocuous as Starbucks' annual red holiday cups, but last year's design sparked a bizarre fervor as certain patrons believed that Starbucks' minimalist 2015 design–which was just the green Starbucks logo over a plain red ombré cup–was "waging war on Christmas" by not being Christmasy enough.  

This year the world has been waiting to see what the new cups would look like, and if they'd spark another boycott from Christian groups, but the cup design has been a closely guarded secret until now.

According to Business Insider, Starbucks employees have been unloading boxes of the holiday cups, and the boxes all carry big red stickers that say "No peeking until November 10." Someone peeked, though. A Reddit user going by DasUberSquid posted a photo of what appears to be a new holiday cup design. It's red with an artistic tree design, with a bird under the logo. Reddit commenters could not reach a consensus as to whether the tree in the picture is a holly tree or a coffee tree.

The new cups seem appropriately holiday-like and unlikely to ruffle anyone's feathers, but the same could have been said of last year's design, so whether or not Starbucks is safe from another holiday boycott will just have to be seen.