The Powerful Relationship Between Kids And Fast Food

It's no shock that fast-food brands and other big-name food and drink companies consider children to be a key marketing demographic. With catchy slogans, simple yet vibrant logos, and advertising campaigns that spark kids' vivid imaginations, these corporations try to appeal to the younger crowd.

Today, The Daily Byte featured a video that stars a 5-year-old girl who can correctly identify a slew of brands after simply being shown their logo. The power of fast-food and junk-food marketing aimed at children is so pervasive that it's even beginning to spark the interest of political action groups like the World Health Organization.

This past year a number of fast-food brands started to shift their approach when they rolled out healthier versions of their kids meals. Instead of purely marketing to children with the hopes that they would convince their parents to buy the products, these companies are now marketing to parents with the hope that they'll feel good about buying "healthy" alternatives for their children.

The stories and slideshows below delve into this topic a bit further. 

Little Kid Describes Brand Logos Adorably

We've heard a lot about branding, but who knew that logos stuck so well? A 5-year-old girl was shown very popular brand logos and was able to correctly identify most of them. For Starbucks? "That is the coffee logo." For Pepsi, "That is the pop from the pizza place."

Taking on Junk Food Marketing To Kids

The World Health Organization announced in the summer that a ban on junk food marketing aimed at kids would be a major point of discussion when the United Nations meets in September. The WHO estimates that 43 million preschoolers worldwide are overweight or obese. In anticipation of the discussion, here is a collection of advertisements from popular brands aimed at kids.

Healthiest and Unhealthiest Fast Food Kids' Menus

When you think about what constitutes a healthy meal, chances are you're not thinking of a burger and fries from your favorite fast food spot. However, a number of major fast food chains have recently taken the initiative to offer healthier menu options to kids — including Burger King, McDonald's, and Subway. But it might make sense to look at the facts before you start feeding the kids Happy Meals four times a week.

Celebrity Fast Food Commercials — Before They Were Famous

There is no doubt that the road to fame can be long and winding, and many of Hollywood's A-list stars cut their teeth in the business while endorsing fast food. Since following the lives of celebrities and eating fast food are two highly popular guilty pleasure pastimes, this YouTube video collection is sure to satisfy both cravings.