In More 'Pink Slime News': It's In Your Supermarket

It may not be in your McDonald's hamburger, but the infamous "pink slime" is still out there — some now estimate that nearly 70 percent of supermarket beef may contain the meat product, says ABC News.

The headline-grabbing meat filler, Lean Finely Textured Beef, has caused consumers to question what's in their beef, but the main problem is that most can't say for sure whether a meat product contains the "pink slime." There's no USDA regulation that identifies LFTB on food labels.

What's more disturbing, however, is the rush to defend LFTB. American Meat Institute president Patrick Boyle called it a "safe, wholesome, and nutritious" form of beef, according to Food Navigator. He also said it was a sustainable product, because it uses meat that would otherwise not be used. The USDA has also defended its decision to use LFTB in school cafeterias, saying the ground beef it purchases meets the highest safety standards.