A Mess-Free Mother's Day Breakfast In Bed
Mother's Day is just around the corner, and I (as I'm sure all moms out there are) am looking forward to taking full advantage of this holiday. One of my favorite things about Mother's Day is enjoying all the housework, cooking, and cleaning I won't be doing. (My husband and kids are such good sports!)
Every year on Mother's Day in thousands of households around the nation, children decide to "surprise" their moms with breakfast in bed. I absolutely love it. It's great seeing my kids working together, taking pride in a job well done, and let's face it, who doesn't love to be catered to? But after all is said and done and I've finished my breakfast, I'm typically overwhelmed by the tornado that seems to have become my kitchen.
Click here to see the Sneaky Chef Strawberry Short Shake Recipe
With measuring cups and spoons tossed on the counters, and plates covered in who-knows-what, it's easy to lose that Mother's Day feel amid a kitchen disaster. So this year, I'm determined to help myself and other moms keep Mother's Day relaxing by offering some breakfast-in-bed recipes that are healthy, nutritious, and most importantly, provide less mess.
Click here to see the Tropical Twist Breakfast Ice Cream Cones Recipe
Both of these recipes are healthy and perfect for the whole family, so make sure to purchase all the needed ingredients, drop some hints to your husband, and suggest these recipes to your kids. Have breakfast with everyone in bed with the reassuring knowledge that your kitchen is still intact. I'm wishing everyone a no-mess Mother's Day on Sunday, and for more ideas from the Sneaky Chef, visit www.thesneakchef.com.