McDonald's Gets Fancy In France, And More

The Daily Byte brings you the biggest news from the food world.

McDonald's Serving Mini Baguettes in France: Their classic, super thin, special-sauced burger gets upgraded in France with baguettes instead of buns, and real cheese instead of processed cheese. As usual, foreign McDonald's get all the fun. [Eater]

Celebrity Chefs Help Out NRA: Richard Blais, Spike Mendelsohn, and Fabio Viviani will host a fundraiser for the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation's ProStart program. What a mouthful. [Restaurant News]

Girl Scouts Deal with Counterfeit Bills: Some soulless cookie lovers have tried to pass off counterfeit bills to the Girl Scouts, but apparently they have a handy pen that's ink changes to a certain color when the bill is fake. "We are teaching our girls to be effective sales people and to be prepared," a representative said. Smart cookies, those girls. [WSPA]

Mission Chinese Food Looks East: Super-hyped San Francisco restaurant Mission Chinese Food is looking into a New York City outpost for the spring. They'll be settling down on the Lower East Side, where their American-Chinese dishes will battle it out with Chinatown a couple blocks away. [The Daily Meal]

The Daily Byte is a regular column dedicated to covering interesting food news and trends across the country. Click here for previous columns.