Marmite May Be A Superfood

Quinoa, acai, and pomegranate might all be considered superfoods, but now, a man-made processed spread could join the ranks of elite health foods.

Scientists have concluded that Marmite, the sticky, brown spread that New Zealand loves, may be considered a superfood thanks to its high amounts of niacin.

Niacin reportedly produces more white blood cells to fight bacteria, increasing the immune system's bacteria-killing ability by 1,000. In fact, the Journal of Clinical Investigation says that this could help bodies fight antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Even the Queen's corgi can't stand the stuff, so bacteria has no chance, right?

Naturally, the Telegraph digs up some research and found that Marmite has been considered a superfood before. Back in 1902, Marmite was part of soldiers' ration packs during World War I, since the spread's folic acid could treat anaemia. Its vitamin B content also wards off mosquitos.

In the meantime, the spread's high salt content and use of additives have increased the spread's notoriety, especially in Wales, where it is banned in primary schools, and Denmark, where it is banned in general. So as always with these health studies, take everything in with a grain of salt.