Majority Of Americans Oppose Limit On Sugary Drink Size, Poll Says
The American people have spoken, and they will not be limited on soda consumption.
Despite debates of a soda ban that would limit the size of sugary drinks in restaurants (perhaps inspired by New York City's proposed soda ban), Americans, by 69 percent to 30 percent, say they would vote against a law that limits the size of sugary beverages served in restaurants to no more than 16 ounces, according to Gallup.
And this opinion seems to span across all background, parties and demographics, with a majority of Democrats and Republicans as well as those below the poverty line and those well above it. Nothing like sugary liquids to bring about agreements.
The Gallup poll was conducted from June 15 to16 after it was announced that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's soda ban had been struck down just one day before it would take effect. This decision followed much debate over the logistics of the ban, including the fact that the size limit would not apply to milk-based beverages or sugar-sweetened beverages sold in supermarkets and many convenience stores, according to Gallup.