How To Avoid Diet Pitfalls At Summer Parties

From sugary iced coffee drinks and burgers on the grill (with all the toppings) to cold beers and the requisite ice cream treats, summer is a minefield of calorie-dense pitfalls that can wreak havoc on our waistlines. If you've spent all spring getting in shape for summer, you don't have to avoid those backyard barbecues or turn down weekends at the beach out of fear of blowing your diet. And even better, once you've established these healthy habits, you can party guilt-free all year long.

Click here to see the How to Avoid Diet Pitfalls at Summer Parties Slideshow.

The next time you RSVP "yes" to an invite for a party, stick with your diet, armed with our five simple tips. When filling up your plate at the buffet, avoid mayonnaise-laden salads like cole slaw or potato salad and instead choose fresh vegetables dishes, green salads, and fiber-rich whole grains.

Headed to a rooftop party for an afternoon of snacking and drinking with friends? Choose wisely when getting a drink and seek out fresh fruit and crisp vegetables instead of overloading on greasy chips and dip. And if you're really craving that ice cream cone (or other indulgent treat), do so in moderation so you don't set yourself up for disaster. Most nutrionists say that it's fine to eat healthy 80 percent of the time and indulge the other 20 percent. Or try to pair a treat with an activity — a small cone makes for a sweet reward after that long bike ride.

Click here to see the How to Avoid Diet Pitfalls at Summer Parties Slideshow.