Do This To Banish Dreaded Cellulite Slideshow

Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Morning Smoothies

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps the body reduce water retention, especially around the thighs and midsection. Apple cider vinegar also cleanses the lymphatic system, which aids in the detoxification of the body, and in the removal of stress hormones that contribute to cellulite 

Drink White Tea Instead of Coffee

Active compounds within white tea can fortify the skins immune system by defending against damage caused by oxidation stress. Topical application of white tea extract has also been studied as a way to repair damaged cells harmed by environmental factors such as excess sunlight exposure

Eat Buckwheat

Buckwheat is an ancient grain that's high in soluble fiber, which helps the body balance glucose absorption to the bloodstream, but the grain also contains a small amount of resistant starch that can be beneficial to colon health. This whole grain is particularly useful in fighting cellulite because it contains high amounts of lysine, an amino acid that works at rebuilding collagen. 

Exfoliate With Coffee Scrubs

Coffee scrubs are topical solutions to cellulite, and they are also easy to make. A combination of olive oil and coffee grounds is a great way to stimulate and cleanse the lymph nodes. The caffeine in the coffee grounds also helps tighten the skin. 

Forget Butter — Cook With Olive Oil

The monounsaturated fat of olive oil keeps the thyroid functioning properly. The thyroid gland produces hormones that affect metabolism, weight gain, and skin-building cells, which all contribute to the emergence of cellulite 

Have Dark Chocolate for Dessert

The antioxidants in dark chocolate accelerate the breakdown of the fat which contributes to cellulite. To unlock the health benefits of dark chocolate, eat minimally processed bars with a cacao content of over 70 percent, but be wary of portion size — an average one ounce serving contains around 200 calories. 

Juice Beets

The garnet glow of a freshly roasted beet indicates that it is rich in the phytochemical lycopene, which helps preserve skin cells and increase collagen levels. Beets also contain betaine, a nutrient that defends cells from environmental stressors. Invest in a juicer and start adding some beets to your morning smoothie, or post-workout routine.   

Pick Spinach For Salads

Along with being low in calories, spinach is rich in alpha lipoic acid (ALA), which keeps collagen soft and springy. This anti-oxidant is also responsible for reducing inflammation, and aiding in general toxin removal. 

Season Your Food With Cilantro

Although it's not compatible with every palate, cilantro can help reduce cellulite because of its natural detoxifying properties. Adding the herb to your diet can help remove harmful minerals from fat cells which disrupt their normal functioning.  

Snack on Pineapple

Pineapple contains bromelain, a protein that is used in pharmacology to remove dead skin tissue from severe burns. Eating pineapple can also help alleviate the build-up of fibrin, which contributes to blood clots. Increasing blood circulation is a crucial step when trying to reduce prevalence of cellulite.  

Stay Hydrated

Plants that don't get enough water are dry, shriveled, and lifeless. The human body functions quite similarly, and staying hydrated is an easy way to add some vivaciousness to your look, and flush toxins out of the body. 

Swap Your Salt

Traditional table salt is acidic, absorbs minerals from your body, can lead to dehydration, and might even contain plastic, which is all very taxing on skin health. Sea salt, unlike table salt, puts minerals back into the body, and even enhances the flavor of most dishes.  

Wear (and Eat) Egg Whites

Egg whites are 85 percent protein, and also contain collagen themselves. Egg whites are low calorie foods that make a perfect, skin rejuvenating breakfast. Medical spas even recommend egg white masks as topical solutions to acne, wrinkles, and dry skin.