First Curved-Coin Minted By U.S. Mint Celebrates National Baseball Hall Of Fame

For years baseball has been regarded as America's favorite pastime and has long since attracted die-hard fans. The sport that introduced us to the curve ball will soon have matching curved coins, sure to be an immediate collector's item. According to the U.S. Mint, a series of curved coins will be available in 2014. Though a curved gold medal was produced in 1973 to honor Roberto Walker Clemente, a member of the Pittsburgh Pirates and the National Baseball Hall of Fame, this will be the first time ever in U.S. history that a coin produced by the mint will have a curvature built into it.

The coins will be issued this year to commemorate the 75th anniversary of baseball's Hall of Fame. The designer of the new-shaped baseball-centric coin, Cassie McFarland, won a nationwide competition that was held to determine the winning design in early September. The common obverse, also know as "heads," will feature a baseball glove and the common reverse (tails) depicts a baseball reminiscent of a major league ball. The head side is concave and the tails side is convex.
