What Do Reindeer Really Eat (Slideshow)

In the summer when forest reindeer are making their way through the woods, they can be seen grazing on grass. So if you want Rudolph to get a taste of summer, make sure you rip out a bowl of fresh cut grass for him to gnaw on.


Another grass like plant, reindeer are often spotted come summertime foraging for sedges. This aquatic plant has spiky flowers that reindeer can snack on like a bowl of popcorn!


Leafy greens seem to be their thing, so if reindeer happen to land atop your roof, you may want to consider hiding and evergreen shrubbery in your yard to play it safe.


In the thick of the forest, you may find a reindeer or two hanging out by the trees for more than shade. Birch trees have very thing bark which naturally peels on it's own. Talk about four-star service! If you are feeling extra generous you could carve the reindeer's name into each piece of bark so they know which snack belongs to who!


Where there is a willow there is a a way (and a meal if you are a reindeer). The weeping and green tree offer many reindeers nourishment that helps fuel their overnight flights.


As one would imagine, eating greens all of the time can get pretty boring. So when reindeers stumble upon so fresh fungi, they cannot resist. This is an easy one to leave the reindeer, and they would probably appreciate them over a large carrot any day.

Reindeer Moss

Reindeer moss, otherwise known as lichen, is a reindeer's preferred (a.k.a. only available) nosh of choice come winter. Reindeers spend a great deal of time digging for this nourishment in the snow. Though it is very slow growing, reindeer seek it out each winter as a way to fill up between flight training for Santa