Coffee Club: 3/28 Update


Photo by Sharon Cho

Coffee Club's main goal is to get students excited and passionate about high-quality coffee. We are glad that so many students are embracing the world of Third-Wave Coffee. The Third-Wave movement focuses on every aspect of the coffee process, from sourcing the highest quality beans to meticulous attention to roasting and careful brewing through a variety of manual methods. You can read more about the Third Wave Movement here.


Photo by Sharon Cho

The coffee we served at the March 28 meeting was Lérida Estate El Cedro. This is a Panamanian coffee from PT's Coffee, a craft coffee roasting company from Topeka, Kansas. This coffee has flavors of cocoa and caramel apples, with an aroma of butterscotch. To quote PT's, "Tollef Monniche, a German engineer,...has been credited with establishing Panama as a source of high quality. He also designed a process for washing coffee is still followed by Lérida Estate... The high altitude, ample rainfall, and soil quality found near the Barú volcano have created some of the best coffees in the world."


Photo by Sharon Cho

For the upcoming meeting, we will be focusing on sweetness between different brewing methods. We will be trying two different coffees, both roasted in England.

The Ethiopia Kebel Kercha Guji Natural, from Has Bean Coffee in Stafford, is one of the most exciting coffees in existence at the moment. It tastes of blueberry muffins, has a sherbety mouth-feel, and is incredibly sweet.

The Sweetshop Espresso, from Square Mile Roasters in London, is a 50-50 blend of Buzira (Burundi) and Sitio Canaa (Brazil) beans and is sweet, juicy, and crazy in the best possible way.


Photo by Sharon Cho

We will be brewing the Has Bean on the v60, Clever dripper, French Press, and Aeropress, while brewing the Sweetshop on our espresso machine. You won't want to miss out on this delectable experience.

If you're interested in Coffee Club, you can blitz us at