Chris Cooley Tried To Negotiate Beer Into Redskins Contract
Once all the I's and T's are dotted and crossed, Chris Cooley, tight end for the Washington Redskins, had one more thing he really, really wanted in his new contract: a case of beer.
Cooley shared with the Washington Post and other media outlets just how badly he wanted that case of beer, in what appears to be an intense negotation and contract. He said, "Literally, I have text correspondence trying to negotiate a case of beer into my contract. They wouldn't do it. I wanted it in writing so much."
Surprisingly, the Redskins didn't go for it — but Cooley re-signed anyway. What kind of beer could he have possibly wanted? Chris Chase at USA Today thinks it was a 30-pack of Coors Light, but rightfully points out that a case of beer in the contract could have cost the team milions down the road. "Knowing Roger Goodell's tendency to rewrite the salary cap rule book after time has passed, the team could have retroactively been fined millions per 12-pack," Chase wrote. Yahoo Sports also notes that Cooley can easily afford a 30-pack of beer; he made $3.8 million in 2011 and a $100,000 workout bonus during the offseason. Maybe he should have asked Bryce Harper for some beer tips.