Make Your Own Crispy Taco Shells In The Microwave

Once upon a time, microwaves where used primarily for TV dinners and heating up leftovers. These days, their uses know no bounds. From cooking a baked potato in record time and peeling butternut squash with the greatest of ease to cooking single-serving mug cakes and perfectly poaching an egg, microwave hacks can save the time and energy you'd otherwise spend boiling water or preheating an oven.

Making hard taco shells is one more thing that can be added to the list of things you can make in a microwave! They are incredibly simple to make and don't require any fiddly deep frying. You may have seen tricks for making hard-shelled tacos on the racks of an oven, but this new hack is so much easier!

Line a cup (that is lying on its side) with a soft tortilla so it curves along the walls of the mug, yielding that desired taco shape. Cook the tortilla-lined mugs in the microwave for about a minute (perhaps a few seconds more or less depending on your particular microwave settings) and voila! You now have a crispy taco shell that is ready to be filled with your choice of terrific taco toppings for the ultimate Taco Tuesday (or any other day of the week for that matter).