Best 5 Red Wines For Grilling
I should have titled this article "5 Wines for Grilled Beef," but the wine recommendations that I'll be making are pretty much all beef-friendly. It's just that all of the beef I plan to consume from now through Labor Day will very likely be of the charcoal-seared persuasion. Don't worry, I'm old-school and use only hardwood charcoal, so there's just pure beef and char going into my food and wine pairings here.
So what do I look for when pairing wine with beef? It's a good question, so let's lay down some simple points on which to riff.
1. Smoky flavors are complementary.
2. A little sweetness can help balance out the char.
3. Bold flavors are natural partners.
4. Beef likes some peppery spice.
5. Fatty foods like a little acid trip.
Click to find the best five best beef-friendly reds.
— Gregory Del Piaz, Snooth