Vegetarian Chili Recipe

With all the different chili recipes out there, how do you choose the best vegetarian chili recipe? We think we can help.

Though there are lots of delicious vegetarian options when it comes to chili, we like this vegetarian chili recipe because it's loaded with beans: kidney beans, pinto beans, and garbanzo beans give this chili recipe a hearty, stick-to-your-ribs kind of quality. It's also studded with hominy (puffed kernels of dried corn) for an extra-filling vegetarian meal.

Though this chili recipe requires a bit of chopping, the rest of the recipe is simple — sauté a few vegetables in garlic and oil until tender and then combine all the ingredients in a large pot. Once the ingredients are combined, let the vegetarian bean chili simmer away on your stove until heated through, (about 30 minutes) and the wonderfully smoky smell of cumin fills your kitchen.

If you're ready to try our delicious vegetarian chili recipe, click here.

Kristie Collado is The Daily Meal's Cook Editor. Follow her on Twitter @KColladoCook.