10 Things Only People From Hawaii Say

“Da Kine”

This is a Pidgin expression that is used when people can't think of the word they want to say. It is a very common phrase you'll hear in Hawaii and would be used in place of saying "the thing" or when referring to just about anything.

“Where you stay?”

This phrase is slang for "Where are you?"


This term is from Pidgin and means "How are you? or "How is everything?"

“You like go surf?”

If locals ask you this, they're asking you if you would like to go surfing with them.

“Uncle” or “Auntie”

Hawaiians refer to anyone older than them as "uncle" or "auntie." 

“Mahalo plenty”

Mahalo means "thank you," and when people say "mahalo plenty" they are saying "thank you very much."


You might be able to guess this one: In Hawaii, "slippahs" is slang for flip-flops or sandals.

“Broke da mouth”

This phrase is used to describe how good the food is. As in, "This burger was so good it broke da mouth."


"Shaka" is used as a greeting and is the "hang loose" hand gesture where your pinky and thumb are up while the rest of your fingers are down, relaxed in your palm.


This word means "food" in Pidgin and usually refers to local food. It's spelled with either an "s" or "z" at the end. You might hear someone say, "Those grindz broke da mouth."