Sugary Drinks May Lead To Bowel Cancer, Study Suggests

While it's no secret that sugary drinks are not good for your waistline or your teeth, but a new study has found that the effects can be much more dangerous.

The Scottish Colorectal Cancer Study has found that there may be a link between sugary beverages and bowel cancer. The study compared the diets of 2,000 patients diagnosed with bowel cancer and compared them to the dies of a "similar-sized healthy population," according to theĀ BBC.

Bowel cancer accounts for almost 10 percent of all cancer cases and for eight percent of all cancer-related deaths, according to The Scotsman. The study is the first to correlate poor drinking habits and diet and bowel disease.

While this information is useful and valuable, Jessica Harris, senior health information manager for Cancer Research UK, warns that the information is still in research.

"While this study on its own can't show for sure that they are linked to cancer risk, it's still a good idea to limit the amount of high-sugar and high-calorie drinks in your diet," she said to the BBC. "Having too much of these can lead you to put on weight, which we know is linked to higher risks of bowel cancer."