The Secret Life Of Cream Of Mushroom Soup

Cream of mushroom soup is most often known to us as a thick, condensed, canned soup that our grandmothers used to heat up on the stove, and some of us get squeamish just at the mention of the name. But the soup has been beloved by many for years; it started gaining popularity when the Campbell Soup Company began producing its now iconic cream of mushroom soup in 1934. And while cream of mushroom is that canned dish you remember, it has a plethora of uses other than "pour, heat, and eat." 

Click here to see the Secret Life of Cream of Mushroom Soup (Slideshow)

Its versatility easily allows it to be an ingredient in many different recipes, where it gives creamy goodness or a mushroom flavor to our favorite comfort foods like stroganoff, Alfredo sauces, and, of course, tuna casserole. It can also be used straight from the can as a topping or gravy, which has affectionately earned it the name "America's Béchamel." Today, there are also healthier versions of the soup available, some even made by Campbell's, for those who want rich flavor without the calories.

There are countless ways to use it, but we've selected our favorite recipes that include this retro soup as an essential ingredient to create a list of hearty and homey dishes that you can cook at home.