Party Etiquette For Your Kids

There seem to be countless little etiquette rules to follow when attending a party — what host gift to bring along, when to RSVP, how to dress, etc. — but do the same rules apply to kids' parties? Children, who of course have less life experience and mistakes to learn from, may be oblivious to proper party etiquette, and it's up to you to inform them on how to respect both adults and their peers.

Party Etiquette for Your Kids Slideshow

Yet we all know that children can react poorly to lectures, and tune out advice if it exceeds the length of their attention spans, so what is a parent to do?

Follow these five quick tips courtesy of The Better Parenting Institute to prepare your children for the party scene, ensuring that they're the most polite and respectful child at the party.

From a proper greeting to a guaranteed "please" and "thank you," here are the essentials that will stick with them until adulthood in countless scenarios to come. We promise, even if they resist, they will thank you later.