Most Expensive Quarter-Pounder At McDonald's And More News

The Daily Meal brings you the biggest news from the food world.

Most Expensive Quarter-Pounder: Apparently there is a thing called the Quarter-Pounder Index, measuring purchasing power in certain cities against the cost of McDonald's Quarter-Pounder. At number one? The burger in Juneau, Alaska. [KTOO]

Original In-N-Out: A replica of the original In-N-Out stand in Baldwin Park, Calif., is set to be rebuilt, but there aren't any plans for a museum. [Patch]

Restaurant Sales Up: Reportedly, restaurant sales in April reached $45.9 billion, a record high, and spending on booze has also increased. [USA Today]

California Restaurant Serving Lion Meat: Another restaurant, this time in California, has been targeted for serving lion meat, where a skewer of lion meat costs $70. [Mercury News]