How To Do A Juice Cleanse

Juice cleanses are a very popular way of purifying your body and ridding yourself of toxins, but unfortunately, it's easy to do a cleanse diet or juice detox improperly in a way that isn't great for your body. Rather than depriving your body of necessary nutrients — and setting yourself up for failure in the long run — try our juice recipes and juice diet cleanse tips for a healthful, successful juice detox that will lead you to feeling refreshed, powerful, and clear-headed.

Firstly, set realistic goals. If this is your first cleanse, don't go overboard. Start off with a shorter cleanse and make sure you give yourself room to make some mistakes. It's ok not to be perfect, and it doesn't mean that you're a failure if you don't do everything right the first time. Make sure you plan your cleanse out, purchase as many ingredients at a time in bulk as you can, and make sure you allow yourself plenty of variation so you don't get bored and tempted to cheat.

If you're looking for healthful, balanced, and smart way to cleanse, read our story 10 Ways to Do a Juice Cleanse Healthily.

With additional reporting by Jessica Reidy