How To Buy Healthy Food Without Breaking The Bank

Wouldn't life be so much better if a mixed green salad topped with fresh fruit and grilled salmon was the same price as a happy meal at McDonald's? Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the price of healthy food is going to change any time soon, but there are ways to save money and still stay healthy.

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Make a List and Plan Your Meals
One of the biggest mistakes people make is buying more than they need at the grocery store. Most healthy foods are fresh, so they have a quick expiration date. You can prevent this from happening by taking extra time to make a grocery list with only the foods you need for your meals. It is always better to buy less and have to go back to the store than buy more and waste your food and money.

Pay More for Quality and Quantity
Foods such as almond butter and quinoa have a higher price tag than most pantry staples, but they will provide you various meal and snack options. The peanut butter that is processed with added salt and sugar may be significantly cheaper but if you are going to spend any money on a nut butter, choose the natural kind.

Buy in Bulk
Nuts can be thrown into your salad or eaten as a snack for a great source of protein, but they sell for a pretty penny. Paying more money for a large bag of nuts will save you money and by sealing them in a container or in the refrigerator, they will last for up to a year.

Don't Be Afraid of Frozen
Although fresh fruits and vegetables are preferred, the frozen kind can be just as nutrient-dense, especially in the off-season. Not to mention, you don't have to worry about your produce going bad. By purchasing frozen fruits and vegetables, you can have a healthy meal ready very quickly on even the busiest nights.