Healthy Foods Everyone Pronounces Wrong

Sometimes we eat healthy foods just because we hear they are healthy, or because we want to look like the people we see eating them. Without even know exactly what we are eating, we tend to hope for the best and just forget about trying to pronounce it correctly.

Click here for the More Foods Doctors Won't Eat and Why slideshow.

This small dark purple berry is native to Central and South America and can be found in your smoothie bowls or usually in powder-form at the grocery store. It is pronounced "ah-sigh-ee."

As far as whole grains go, farro is loaded with fiber, magnesium, and complex carbohydrates. You can add this to your salads or serve in replacement of rice. It is pronounced "fahr-oh."

Another ancient grain, kamut is a high protein wheat that has not been processed or crossed with any other forms of wheat. It is pronounced "ka-moot."

One of the most popular and mispronounced grains, quinoa was the mother grain of the ancient Incas. It is high in unsaturated fats and lower in carbohydrates than other grains. It is pronounced "keen-wah."

The accompanying slideshow is provided by special contributor Lauren Gordon.