Flock Of Annoying Geese To Be Killed, Eaten

Opinions on geese vary. The giant birds can be cool to look at, but they can also be loud, aggressive, and messy. A flock of Canadian geese has worn out its welcome in Scarsdale, N.Y., and town officials have decided to deal with the birds the old-fashioned way: by killing them and turning them into meat.

CBS reports that the geese are being killed after complaints about droppings and at least two goose attacks. The USDA will take care of the killing, and then donate the meat to The Food Bank for Westchester.

The plan has drawn some opposition, and Friends of Animals opined that killing the geese would be brutal and a waste of tax dollars.

But some locals assert that killing all the geese is the right thing to do, because they're really annoying.

"Our golf course, every once in awhile, is overloaded with geese, and you don't want to play and then walk around the droppings," said resident Jerry Golden.

Spoiled golf games aside, wild geese are not unwelcome at food banks.

"We have received wild goose meat in the past," said Kendall Hanna, executive director of the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank in Harrisburg, which received a shipment of meat from geese killed to prevent them from causing aviation hazards. "The meat is valued by our clientele and moves out of there very, very quickly."

Geese do make for good eating. Check out some of our best goose recipes for ideas.