The Secrets To Making The Perfect Indoor S'more

S'mores are a sweet favorite around the campfire. Some die-hard s'mores fans eat them year round, but they're most popular on camping trips, over backyard fire pits, or at a bonfire. Whether you're having a few friends over for drinks or welcoming the kids back from summer camp with a special treat, here are our tips for preparing s'mores indoors without sacrificing taste.

The Secrets to Making the Perfect Indoor S'more

Your toaster oven can be a great resource for creating a delicious indoor s'more. There a few things you should take into consideration. Cook the honey graham cracker, a small piece of a milk chocolate bar such as Hershey's, and a large marshmallow on the oven tray at 325 degrees F until the marshmallow begins to brown. Once browned enough, remove and top with the other half of the graham cracker. It still provides that warm and toasty finish that is sure to fit the bill.

Microwaves are another option. Considering it is a popular appliance in many households, this may be the method you go for. Place the graham cracker on a saucer, top with half a chocolate bar, put a large marshmallow on top, and put  in the microwave for 15 seconds — or until the marshmallow begins to plump. Remove, place the other graham cracker on top, let it cool, and enjoy.

Who knew creating s'mores indoors could so effortless and so tasty? S'mores will be your go-to this fall or winter when the weather is just too cold to bear. Once you've mastered the basics, you'll be able to prepare a more creative s'more. We have some s'more suggestions below!

Bake Smart Hack

Have an old (washed) coffee can half full of hot water ready to put used sticks/forks into after marshmallows are pulled off. This not only cools them down, but (sort of) washes them off for the next use. — Wikihow

Choose Your Chocolate Carefully

Growing up, we loved those soft, waxy, milk chocolate Hershey's bars for s'mores. Ticket Chocolate uses couverture chocolate to mimic that taste — couverture has a much higher amount of cocoa butter than most chocolate, giving it the same silkiness as milk chocolate without the cloying sweetness. If you want a slightly more adult taste, try a dark chocolate (70 percent or higher).  — Posie Harwood