Emergency Thanksgiving Toolbox

A magnificent holiday, Thanksgiving can become a stressful time of year, with all of the menu planning, thinking ahead, and the guests who will be expecting a perfect and delicious meal oh-so-soon — and the pressure is on you to deliver.

Just when you think you've got it all covered, you realize, mid-cooking, that you completely forgot to get a turkey baster at the grocery store. What to do? While frantically running around your home screaming about this blunder to whoever is nearby might not be the most effective method, it's usually most people's go-to.

But fear not, because we have come up with an Emergency Thanksgiving Toolbox. So if you find yourself without a potato masher, don't worry, because we've got an easy household solution for that. Don't have a zester? No problem. We've got you covered.

Take a deep breath and look to one of our creative solutions for the answer. And make sure to have a happy Thanksgiving!

Click here for the Emergency Thanksgiving Toolbox Slideshow.

Our makeshift solutions are great, but if you're reading this ahead of time, then check out our essential Thanksgiving Toolbox Slideshow so you can be fully prepared.