What Are Bernie Sanders' Favorite Foods?

Bernie Sanders is at the helm of a major political movement, giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money on the road to the Democratic Presidential nomination. But while he's made his political positions very clear, there's one issue that's just as pressing as any other: What does The Bern like to eat?

According to an article in People, Sanders likes to eat scrambled eggs for breakfast, and his favorite thing to eat on the campaign trail is pork chops. He also says that he's "pretty good on the grill."

In a separate People article, his step-daughter says that Sanders sticks to a diet of mostly meat and vegetables, and "was Paleo before Paleo was a thing."

Because Sanders tends to steer non-politics related conversations towards more pressing issues, he hasn't opened up too much about what he eats. Food doesn't seem to be something that he thinks much about, which is perfectly fine in our book.