Classic Hershey Bar Adds Emoji For First Redesign In 125 Years

Now here's some news that deserves both a fist pump and a thumb's up. The classic Hershey chocolate bar has been around for more than a century, and now it's getting an emoji-filled redesign for the text message era.

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Hershey's original chocolate bar hasn't changed in its 125-year history — until now. The bar has always featured the word HERSHEY written on each breakable segment (called "pips" by the company). But now each piece will feature a different emoji — and a total of 25 of the world's most popular emoji will be featured across six different emoji packaging designs.

You can look for the emoji Hershey bars in stores this summer across the country for a limited time only. They'll be sold in both regular and snack-size bars. The standard 1.55-ounce bar sells for 99 cents, while a 9.45-ounce bag of the snack-size candies sells for $4.09

Hershey reports that each emoji was "carefully selected by parents and kids to feature meanings that would help to spark a conversation."

No, the poop emoji isn't included. But the bars do include the thumb's up icon, the fist pump and the sparkles emoji, among others. A variety of smiley face icons are also featured, including the heart-eyed face, the tongue-sticking-out face and the sunglasses-wearing version. You may think you know Hershey bars and their history pretty well — but here are some surprising facts about your 20 favorite candy brands.