What Makes You Qualify As A 'Lightweight'?

Determining whether or not you're a lightweight is fairly simple. If you're pretty sure you're a pro at handling your liquor, fair enough, but it doesn't hurt to reexamine your tolerance for alcohol. Besides, sometimes lightweights get a bad rep, but in our opinion, being one has its benefits.

There are two kinds of lightweights out there. First, there are those people who threw back drink after drink in college without feeling tipsy, but slowly came to realize after graduation that they couldn't have a single glass of wine without calling it a night. Have you ever said, "Wow, I can't drink like I used to"? If so, we're sorry to inform you that the glory days are over — you are officially a lightweight.

The other kind of lightweight? The kind that were born with it. No matter how old you are, how you've prepared for your long night out, or what you choose to drink, you find yourself wobbling after your first few.

If either of these sounds like you, it's official: You're a lightweight. A rule of thumb to follow if you're a lightweight is to stay under five drinks. This way, you can avoid embarrassing your friends, calling it an early night, and that nasty hangover the next morning.

If you consistently can't seem to handle your liquor, make it a point to hydrate and eat a big meal before a night of drinking. This will not only help you stay out longer, but it will also ensure that you're not in pain the next day. Looking for other ways to avoid a hangover? Check out our list.

If you've decided you're a lightweight, don't feel discouraged. Look at it this way: You'll save money on drinks, because it takes less alcohol to get you tipsy. Lightweights, rejoice!