Don't Play The Bartender

Don't Play the Bartender at Your Party
It reduces time to socialize and pay attention to guests

While it is tempting to play the bartender all night while hosting a party, refrain from doing so. If you are behind the bar all night, then you won't get to mingle and you won't get to fully enjoy yourself. We suggest you plan ahead with these tips:

  •  Set up a serve-yourself beverage station with buckets full of beer,, various sodas, and water bottles. Be sure to leave a bottle opener nearby
  •  Open a few bottles of red wine and set them out on the table. As well 
  •  Coming up with a specific cocktail—a signature—is always a fun idea; just make sure to make it in advance in a large pitcher. It is also a good idea to        label what the cocktail is, what is in it and to share the recipe with guests. 
  •  Place a variety of glasses at the bar along with a bucket of ice. These should range from the type of drinks you have: beer glasses, wine glasses, tumblers, champagne flutes, etc.
  • You will have to check the table occasionally to see what needs to get refilled, but this is much less of a time commitment than if you were manning the bar yourself.

Now that you'll have extra time on your hands, pour yourself a drink and enjoy the party.