Coca-Cola Adds Another Fruity, Sugary Water

After new reports showed that Americans are drinking more water than soda for the first time in three decades, we could only predict that the major soda companies would do something to win back customers. Turns out, they're doing it with another fizzy, sweet drink: introducing Fruitwater, a sucralose-sweetened fruity seltzer water

The Associated Press reports that the drink still falls under Glaceau, the same company that makes Smartwater and Vitaminwater, but it's not sweeted with Stevia, like Vitaminwater. Instead, it's sweetened with sucralose (better known as Splenda). And surprise — it doesn't contain any fruit juice. (But why would you think that? Vitaminwater isn't healthy either.) 

It's clear that Coca-Cola and other companies are hoping fizzy drinks will get them out of the soda slump, and rightfully so — the AP notes that according to Beverage Digest, Glaceau's overall sales volume grew by 4 percent last year. And that's despite the fact that Vitaminwater came into some legal trouble last year for "deceptive" health claims in its marketing.