Martha Stewart Has A Trick For Preventing Soggy Waffles

You probably heard "Never eat soggy waffles" during your childhood as a way to remember north, south, east, and west, but it's pretty solid life advice too. Limp waffles take all of the fun out of breakfast, but Martha Stewart wants to make sure that you never eat soggy waffles again.

Stewart's method of preventing soggy waffles from getting your morning off to a rough start is extremely simple. It's quick too, but it just might leave you wondering how the heck it's so effective. Kitchen magic aside, with this hack, you'll have crispier waffles than ever before, which might make you crave waffles all the time. The good news is that it doesn't interfere with your recipe at all, so you can make waffles your way and then add in that "Martha Stewart touch" at the end so that "Never eat soggy waffles" can become your new breakfast motto. Waffles that don't get soggy? Sign us up!

How to keep your waffles crispy after cooking

When you make waffles, they probably have those crispy corners and edges that are fun to crunch as you eat. Soon, though, the good times fade when you notice that your once-crispy waffle is accumulating moisture more quickly than you can eat it. Not being able to enjoy your waffles sure puts a damper on breakfast.

The good news is that Martha Stewart's waffle hack only takes a few seconds — and it's lots of fun too. Make your waffle batter as usual. Then, pour it into your waffle iron and wait until it's finished. This is where you change things up. Stab your waffle with a fork to get it out and toss it from hand to hand. Although throwing your food around might seem more like something that would happen in an unruly school cafeteria, it works magic on waffles. As ridiculous as this method might sound, you'll have your crispiest batch of waffles ever if you toss each waffle a couple of times before plating it. If you're wondering how this works, we have answers.

The science behind tossing your waffles

Why is tossing waffles after cooking them such an effective way to keep them crispy? Believe it or not, it all has to do with steam.

As your waffles cook, you'll see them steam, but that's normal. Cooking waffles releases the liquid in the batter as steam, which is good news for you. If any steam is stuck in your waffle, you'll notice that they are coming out moister than you'd like, and they'll get soggy quickly. To help your waffles avoid this fate, you'll need to take measures to help steam escape. That tossing method releases the steam in your waffles far better than immediately plating them. In addition to tossing your waffles before you eat them, pay attention to the steam your waffle maker releases rather than focusing on those little lights on the appliance. If your waffle maker says you're done, but not much steam has escaped, your waffles might turn out soggier than you'd like. Tossing your waffles may sound a bit silly, but it'll help you keep them nice and crispy throughout your leisurely breakfast.