Kristen Garaffo

Photo of Kristen Garaffo
Rockville, Maryland
The Boston Conservatory
Trader Joe's, Coffee, Home Cooking
  • You'll never see her Trader Joe's shopping cart without a few cans of cold brew, Hold the Cone mini ice cream cones and Dillicious smoked salmon.
  • Kristen loves finding new coffee shops in and around the DC area, especially those with beautiful interiors. She believes there's nothing an iced almond milk latte can't fix, especially if it's from Tatte.
  • Kristen fell in love with coffee when she attended her first coffee tasting as a barista at Starbucks.


Kristen is a freelance writer based in the suburbs of Washington DC and loves sharing her passion for all things home, food and lifestyle. In addition to Daily Meal, her writing has appeared in Forbes, Apartment Therapy, The Everygirl, Hunker and The Daily Beast.


Kristen holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from The Boston Conservatory.
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Our team also regularly reviews and updates articles as necessary to ensure they are accurate. For more information on our editorial process, view our full policies page.

Stories By Kristen Garaffo