Start Putting Car Wax On Your Glass Stovetop. Here's Why

Cleaning your stovetop to eliminate gunk can be one of the most tedious kitchen tasks. Glass stovetops, in particular, can be temperamental and difficult to clean, not only due to their susceptibility to being scratched and nicked easily but because no matter how hard you scrub, they just never seem to sparkle and shine. The good news, though, is that car wax, however unexpected, can help clean your glass stovetop without glass cleaner while still achieving that elusive sheen much easier. 

Car wax is typically used to protect a car's paint from scratches and destructive environmental elements, and it's equally effective when used on your stovetop. Due to its natural oils, car wax has the ability to provide a natural sheen to anything it comes in contact with. Additionally, its chemical properties — similar to those in nonstick cooking spray — are effective at repelling spills, stains, and dirt, keeping them from adhering to the surface on which the wax is applied. When spread in a thin layer on your glass stovetop, it's a quick, easy method of adding an extra protective layer that helps you keep that stovetop pristine.

Wax on, wax off: Using car wax to clean your stove

When applied on your stovetop, car wax will work as it does on your car, providing a protective barrier between your stove and any annoying future spills, making for easier cleanup. But before you break out that container, it's important to thoroughly clean that glass stovetop first by wiping off any residual gunk and crumbs. Keep in mind how easily glass stovetops can become scratched, so for burned-on, stuck food, you'll then want to follow up by sprinkling some baking soda and vinegar onto your stovetop, then leave it covered with a damp cloth for 15 minutes or so. Then, you're free to scrape off gently with the edge of a spoon or a single-edged razor, wipe down with a damp sponge, and rinse. After cleaning, you'll want to make sure that your stovetop is completely dry — applying your wax to a completely clean, dry surface lends itself to the best results. Additionally, be sure to wait until your stovetop has completely cooled before doing so, both for safety reasons and to avoid that unpleasant burning wax smell.

Then, applying the car wax is simple — you'll want to use a sponge to spread a light layer onto the surface of your stovetop, then buff it with a paper towel or lint-free cloth and let it dry. Repeat this process every few weeks, and enjoy your ever-sparkling glass stovetop.

Other clever kitchen uses for your car wax

You can also utilize car wax quite cleverly and effectively throughout your kitchen. You can spread a thin layer across your stainless steel kitchen appliances and faucets, such as your microwave, dishwasher, or blender, to give them an extra coat of shine while limiting the staying power of stains, fingerprints, and water spots that may develop. Additionally, that layer of car wax can work wonders in preventing your kitchen faucets from corroding due to excess moisture, which the wax will seal. 

Your car wax can — and should — also come in handy to add sheen to your kitchen countertops. You'll simply apply your wax and leave it on your countertops for a few minutes before wiping them down the same way you would when cleaning your oven. And while you're at it, you can even apply some of that wax to clean your kitchen backsplash, which will help it retain shine and repel splatters and stains. So go ahead and keep a tub of car wax with your other kitchen cleaning products — while indeed unexpected, it just might be the genius cleaning product that changes the game for you.