Celebrate National Hamburger Day With The Ultimate Burger Bar Bash

While some people might sing a jingle about a special sauce and a sesame seed bun, that's just one way to make a hamburger. With National Hamburger Day coming up on May 28, the classic, adaptable dish allows for some culinary creativity. For the ultimate "your way" experience, a burger bar bash could lead to the ultimate battle of the burgers.

Although hamburger meat might have originated in Germany, America was introduced to beef on a bun during the St. Louis Louisiana Purchase Exposition in 1904. Over the years, the hamburger's popularity has soared. In 2020, South Florida Reporter stated that Americans eat an average of 30 pounds of hamburgers a year. While that number might be staggering, it shows this simple sandwich brings happiness to the table.

In honor of National Hamburger Day, National Today shared the top five burger toppings. While cheese holds the top spot, it was closely followed by lettuce, tomato, onion, and pickle. When piling those toppings, it is always best to stack carefully for the best bite. More importantly, a burger bar could be the best solution to ensure that everyone can enjoy their ultimate burger creation.

What is a burger bar?

Your ultimate burger might contain a laundry list of toppings, or it can be as simple as a bun and a beef patty. While restaurateur Danny Meyer might have commented that a burger is "a piece of meat and a bun with something on it," everyone seems to agree that burgers make people smile. 

A burger bar is a simple solution to giving everyone around the table their perfect bite. A burger bar is a buffet set-up that allows people to create their own burgers. Separate containers hold a variety of buns, condiments, cheese, toppings, and anything that can be stacked to create a scrumptious burger. Although there are endless options, the burger bar host may want to narrow the choices. An overabundance can become overwhelming.

Most importantly, the burger bar should reflect the people being served. For example, if the group is not adventurous, it might be best to include ketchup but leave the gochujang in the pantry. The same idea applies to anything that can be used to build a burger. After all, if everyone only wants a potato roll and some onions, there is no point in having three types of pickles and a garden of lettuce options. A great burger bar allows everyone to explore their culinary creativity, but it should still adhere to the guests' preferences. 

Easy ways to elevate a burger bar

While a burger bar allows everyone to customize their hamburger, the table does not need to look like a section of the Caesars Palace Bacchanal buffet. Variety is crucial, but it needs to be manageable. Since buns are the building blocks,  two or three options are perfect. While some people prefer a soft potato roll, others may want a hearty pretzel bun. Still, a burger bar does not need to look like the bakery case.  

Ingredients that can be combined offer more choices without becoming overwhelming. For example, ketchup and mayonnaise are perfect on their own. However, some people might want to combine them for a special sauce. Instead of having enough bottles to recreate a supermarket's condiment aisle, consider a few sauces that can be mixed. Also, consider a special ingredient or a textural component. An Asian slaw instead of lettuce can amplify the flavor and texture, or instead of raw onions, consider fried onions for extra crunch. This concept can be that nod to the familiar that presents an idea in a new way.

Lastly, offer an example recipe for the ultimate burger bar creation. A sample recipe and photo using many of the ingredients can get those creative juices flowing. Guests can recreate the exact recipe or enjoy a riff on that idea. After all, the ability to customize a burger is the best part of the burger-bar experience.