Flatten The Meat Ahead Of Time For The Crispiest Smash Burgers

Smash burgers saw a significant rise in popularity between 2022 and 2023, and these days, just about every menu's burger section offers one; some restaurants even offer them exclusively. They're easy enough to make at home, too, and you might even save a little money by making them yourself. But if there is any secret to preparing the perfect smash burger, it's this: Smash the patty before it hits the grill.

Part of what makes smash burgers so delicious is their crispy, caramelized crust. If you smash a burger prior to grilling it rather than after you place it in the pan or on the grill, it has that much more time — and that much more surface area — to get nice and crispy. This type of patty only takes minutes to cook, meaning every second counts. Oh, and make sure you season the meat first so that salt and pepper can help shape a nice patty crust.

Smash burgers are best when pre-smashed

The science is simple. The more area the burger has, the more crust it will develop. And when it comes to smash burgers, that's where the money is. Plus, smashing the burger before cooking also means you have plenty of time to flatten it as thinly as you'd like; once it's in the pan, you're racing the clock. And with that, the edges of the pan can sometimes block your ability to thoroughly smash the burger, leaving it thicker than you would have liked.

A quick tip for pre-smashing burgers: As the burger cooks, it shrinks and rises slightly. When smashing the burger patties, make them even thinner than you actually want them. This way, they'll thicken slightly while they cook, bringing them to your ideal thickness. And if you're adding cheese, do so as soon as you flip the burger. The cheese will melt on that hot crust in just as much time as it takes the other side of the patty to crisp up.

Other tips for preparing the perfect smash burger

If you don't have a burger press, using a spatula isn't ideal — you need to press from the top, and a spatula requires you to press from the side. Instead, place a piece of parchment paper on top of the ground beef. Press firmly down on the meat using the bottom of a pot or other larger, flat surface; this will easily create a perfectly round patty.

The meat you use matters. Beef with higher fat, such as 20%, will produce a crispier, more flavorful patty. The patties will cook in their own fat, which will help develop that crispy crust and leave the patty with a deeper flavor. If possible, season the meat at least 30 minutes before you use it to allow the salt to absorb into it.

And finally, keep an eye on the burgers while they cook. With such thin patties, it's easy to overcook them, so once you see that nice crust as formed, flip the patty; only cook it for about another minute before removing it from the heat.