How Southern Coca-Cola Cake Became A Nationwide Favorite

Adding some soda into your cake mix may seem a little unusual at first, but the addition of Coca-Cola is exactly what makes some Southern cakes so beloved. Although the cake may have been well-known among people in certain areas, the dessert was launched into the national spotlight when it was added to Cracker Barrel's menu in 1997.

The restaurant chain's Double Fudge Coca-Cola Cake allows customers all over the country to indulge in the Southern specialty. The restaurant found a recipe for a Coca-Cola cake, doubled the amount of cocoa that went into the batter, and served it up to diners.

The cake was originally only offered for a limited amount of time, and as such, the chain was apparently the recipient of a barrage of correspondence both via mail and telephone from patrons requesting that the confection make the jump to year-round status. In 2009, 12 years after its initial introduction, the restaurant added the dessert to its permanent menu. Since then, Cracker Barrel diners have continued their praise of the sweet treat.

Recipes for Coca-Cola cake have been around for decades

Fans of the cake have even taken their appreciation to social media. "I had this for the very first time last night," reads one comment on a Cracker Barrel Instagram post showing a fudgy slice. "Life changed," they concluded. Another commenter wrote, "I love this cake! I'd choose this simple creation over fancier desserts any day!"

A 1990 article from The New York Times states that many recipes for the Coca-Cola cake were originally passed along via word of mouth amongst friends, making it nearly impossible to trace when exactly Coca-Cola cakes originated. The first published recipe for a Coca-Cola cake dates back to 1952 when the Charleston Gazette awarded the dessert a second place prize in the 'unusual' dishes category and third place overall.

Coca-Cola is popular in the Southern United States, so it's not uncommon to hear all soda varieties referred to simply as variations of "Coke." The soft drink has been incorporated into other recipes over the years, especially as a BBQ ingredient. Of all the recipes involving the soda, though, chocolate cake with miniature marshmallows and pecans is one of the most popular. (Some have even compared it to Texas Sheet Cake, in terms of flavor.)

Why does the soda work so well in the cake?

The addition of the soda into the cake batter adds some additional moisture and sweetness to the finished cake, but it also amplifies the chocolate flavor. While the soda may add just a little bit of its own flavor to the cake mix, the chocolate taste is allowed to shine through.

The carbonation can help the texture of the cake, too. If you like your cakes on the lighter and fluffier side, adding in some soda may be just what your recipes need. The bubbles are made of carbon dioxide, which will aid in the treat's rise. Betty Crocker even suggests swapping in a can of soda the next time you bake using one of its cake mixes. The soft drink will eliminate the need for the eggs, oil, or water that are commonly added.

If you want to taste test the sweet treat for yourself, you can bake up your own Coca-Cola Cake. Or, simply stop into your nearest Cracker Barrel and order a slice.