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14 Creative Ways To Utilize Your Bundt Pan

Bundt pans are highly specialized pans that typically make round cakes with holes in the middle. They can be fancy, with intricate designs on top or straightforward domed shapes. While they can create a beautiful cake, this distinctive shape may feel one note and restrictive. One-use kitchen objects are what Alton Brown calls "unitaskers" and disapproves of for use in the kitchen. With that being said, it's hard to justify keeping a pan with one particular use in your kitchen, especially if you are pressed for space. Bundt pans also tend to take up a large amount of cabinet space because of their unique shape.

If you are hesitating to buy a bundt pan or considering getting rid of yours, we encourage you to wait and read this before moving on. While it takes a bit of creativity, there are plenty of non-bundt cake related things that can be made with a bundt pan. You are not limited by the initial intention of the object, and with a bit of creativity, you will find that there are plenty of ways to use a bundt pan. Here's how to do it: 

1. Create Ice for Drinks

There are plenty of awesome ice cube trays out there. However, these tend to make interesting, but ultimately small pieces of ice. The problem with small ice is that it tends to melt quickly (via Newsday). This can create multiple issues in any drink and becomes amplified for large volumes of beverages, such as a bowl of punch made for a party. Not only will chilling with small ice cubes be less effective at cooling, leading to a tepid punch, but the melted ice will also water down your drinks. That is not fun at all.

However, this is where that handy dandy bundt pan comes in. Fill your bundt pan with water and set it in the freezer. Sure, it will take longer to freeze than individual cubes, but what will emerge is a large, decorative chunk of ice that will look great in any punch bowl and keep your drink colder for longer without diluting it. 

If you want to step your game up even further, you can use hot water, which Science Line reports freezes faster, and some even say results in clearer ice. You can also freeze flowers or pieces of fruit into the ice to really punch up your drink.

2. Bake Pull-Apart Bread

Cake is not the only thing that can be baked in a bundt pan. Pull-apart style bread seems almost tailor-made for this pan. Pull-apart bread uses dough that has been formed into balls or strips and then placed into a pan together and baked. Doing this lets all the pieces bake together initially, while also allowing them to be pulled off individually. This type of bread works great as a party appetizer. It can also go by the name monkey bread or bubble bread due to the bubble look of the dough balls.

The reason a bundt pan is so perfect for this is due to the hole in the middle; there is plenty of surface area on the pan. This makes it easy to reach each individual piece of dough that has been placed inside, and none get trapped in the middle, hidden away from prying hands.

What's even better is the fact that pull-apart bread can be both savory and sweet. Unlike cake, which is almost always sweet, pull-apart bread can be made for nearly every taste preference. Recipes for sweet butterscotch bread or cheesy savory bread can be found, among others. So break out that bundt pan and give it a try!

3. Make Ring Bread for Sandwiches

Another non-cake baking project is bread. Why would you want to make bread in a bundt pan? Two words: Sandwich ring. That's right. You can use your bundt pan to make your own sandwich rings. How cool is that?

Simply choose your favorite bread recipe, prep the pan according to directions, and bake up your own ring of sandwich bread. This will likely work better with less ornate bread, but if you want, for example, a castle-shaped sandwich ring, we are certainly not going to stop you.

Once your loaf has cooked and cooled, turn the bread out onto a cutting board, and cut the bread in half through the middle like a giant bagel. You can then stuff your sandwich ring full of whatever your heart desires. No longer are you beholden to what your local grocery store deems worthy! Add whatever meats, cheeses, veggies, or sauces you want. If you do not like onions, do not use onions. Maybe you want to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ring, so go for it. This is your chance to make the one sandwich ring to rule them all, so seize it.

4. Plant Fresh Kitchen Herbs

You know, sometimes you have items that you just do not use all that much. That's fine, but instead of throwing them out and adding them to the landfill, why not repurpose them? One of the best ways to repurpose a bundt pan is to use it in your kitchen as a planter. Not only will this prevent waste, but it also saves you from having to buy a new pot, and you get to keep it in your kitchen.

To use it as a planter, simply fill the bundt with nutrient-rich soil, add in a slow-release fertilizer, and choose your plants. We recommend kitchen herbs with similar light and nutrient requirements. Do Not Disturb Gardening, for example, suggests plants such as sage, thyme, and oregano. This will give you fresh herbs to use in your kitchen year-round, while also providing a unique and beautiful planter. Part of the appeal of the bundt is its lovely shape, and you can still show that off without the necessity of baking a cake.

5. Make a Bundt Dinner

We all love single-pan meals. The ease and simplicity of making and serving make it is simply alluring. That is why we are here to tell you the next stage of evolution in your pan meals is using a bundt pan. Why make meals in a bundt? First and foremost, they look fantastic. Second, they take an already easy meal and make them more accessible. Third, bundt shape things are super easy to cut. The hole in the middle means that instead of trying to cut perfect squares to get the right-sized pieces, you can simply cut as much as you want. Each piece can be a different size, and you will not be left with wonky cuts.

Honestly, we feel a bundt lasagna actually outperforms the viral mini lasagna as you get slightly more, which is enough for sharing or leftovers. It's also not too much like a whole sheet pan. Other than lasagna, you can make a breakfast bake, a casserole, meatloaf, or stuffing. The opportunities are endless. Whether you are making these for yourself or a party, break out the bundt pan for an easy meal bake.

6. Create a Pumpkin Bundt

Yes, this is technically a cake, but this is not your typical bundt cake. Instead, we suggest you use not one but two bunts and make a pumpkin bundt. This does not mean a pumpkin-flavored cake, though you are welcome to do so. What we are suggesting is to bake two cakes in the traditional bundt pan with a traditional curved design, such as this one from Wilton. Level the bottoms of the cake by using a serrated knife to cut off any rounding from the baking, then turn one cake upside down on the plate so the rounded decorative top is now touching the plate. From there, place the second cake right side up on top, being sure to line up the pattern.

Now you have what looks like a giant pumpkin, but it's a cake! From there, you can do a simple glaze finish, or you can go all out and cover it in orange frosting to really drive it home. No matter what you choose, you now have a cake that looks expertly constructed but takes almost no skill to put together. It is sure to be a show-stopper on any table.

7. Use it for Jello

Unleash your inner 1950s with some fancy jello to impress your friends. Your bundt pan does not just make fancy baked desserts, it can be used, especially during hot months, to make the chilled gelatin-based jello. There are several reasons you will want to do this. First, basic jello is simply not that hard to make. It takes a pack of jello and some water. Simple enough. Second, because of the jello texture, you can use fairly intricate bundt pans as your jello mold to create really elaborate designs. Once it's set, these designs will look too good to eat, though, of course, you can and should. Plus, there are a ton of Jell-O flavors to pick from.

All of this is to say, if you are worried your bundt pan will be ignored during warm months when you do not want to turn the stove on, do not be. You can still use it to make a chilled jello treat. Of course, you could always take a leaf out of the history's book and make some vegetable jello, but we do not wholly recommend this.

8. Mold Ice Cream

If jello is not your thing, but you still want a cool summer treat that will stun your friends and family, use your bundt pan as an ice cream mold. Just like jello, this will give you an ornate decorative dessert that is sure to wow your guests.

For this, you can either make your own ice cream or get store-bought. We will not judge either way. First, pack the ice cream into the bundt pan, making sure that it's tight and fills all the crevices in order to get the best result. After this, place the whole thing in the freezer; if one part of the freezer gets particularly cold, place the ice cream bundt there. Once it's frozen, remove it from the freezer, and turn your beautiful ice cream sculpture out onto a plate.

To jazz it up, try layering different kinds of ice cream for a colorful effect. Or add your favorite mix-ins and toppings to it.

Not only does this give you a beautiful display, but it can be practical too. Instead of standing scooping ice cream, slices can simply be cut. This is great if you have guests over, as it will make them very happy. After all, who can be sad with ice cream around?

9. Use it to Cut Corn

Honestly, this next one is going to be a trick you want to save. Your bundt pan is the corn cutter you did not know you already had. We know unitaskers have little place in the kitchen, so instead of going and buying a corn stripper, use your bundt pan.

There are two ways to do this. First, as shown in this viral TikTok, if you have a bundt pan with a wide center cone, you can place your cob right in the middle and press it down through the hole. This will remove all of the corn kernels and catch them in the surrounding basin. This will save you time and effort and prevent stray kernels from shooting across the kitchen or ending up on the floor.

If you find the center of your bundt is not big enough for the ear of corn, you can still use your bundt pan. Place the large part of the ear over the center hole, and hold it carefully at the top with one hand. Then, use a knife in your other hand to cut off the kernels in a downward motion. The kernels will still be caught by the basin of your bundt pan, saving both time and energy.

10. Make it a S'more Caddy

S'mores are one of the great summertime treats, and making s'mores by the fire will bring everyone together for some fun and relaxation. Finding the perfect caddy to transport the material, though, can be a chore. Plates can easily tip, especially in the dark, leading to lost graham crackers and chocolate. You want each ingredient to stay separated until it is time to build your s'more, and what of the sticks? Where are they supposed to go?

The bundt pan fixes all of this. The high sides make it perfect for storing large quantities of all the ingredients without the risk of spillage. And unlike in a bowl, where each item is likely to mix, the center hole in a bundt pan acts as a separation wall that keeps the ingredients apart. Finally, the hole also serves as a convenient place to store the skewers for the s'mores once they have made it to your final destination. A bundt pan truly is the perfect s'more caddy.

11. Chill Bottled Drinks

We already know a bundt pan can be used to make ice to chill large bowls of punch, but did you know it can be used to chill bottled drinks, too? Here's how:

Take your bundt pan, fill it with cubes of ice, and place your canned or bottled drinks in it. That's it. It's so simple, yet so effective. Of course, this is not going to chill a huge amount of bottles, but it does have its uses. For example, say the new season of your favorite show just dropped, and you or you and a friend want to binge it with as few interruptions as possible. Instead of breaking out a large cooler, just use the bundt pan. It will provide you with plenty of cold drinks for all your binge-watching and movie-night needs and it will fit nicely on a coffee table without blocking your view.

This can also be a good trick for a sleepover or kid's movie night. It allows them to get drinks when they need in a designated area. Plus, it adds a certain level of fun to the event. Who wants to go to the fridge when they can have their own personal bottle chiller?

12. Mold Rice Krispie Treats

Bundt pans really are one of the most useful pan molds around. Rice Krispie Treats require few ingredients and make delicious goodies, but the shape of a simple rectangle can be drab. So step up your game and bring out the bundt pan. It will turn this no-bake dessert up to 11.

Simply prep your bundt pan the way you would a regular one by greasing it with either oil or butter. Then when your Rice Krispie Treat mixture is ready, put it in the pan and gently pat down until the treats are firmly in the bundt pan. Be sure that you have a relatively even surface, as this will be your bottom. An easy trick to do this without the mixture sticking to your hand or spoon is to use an empty butter or margarine wrapper to pat it down. The Rice Krispie Treats will not stick to the slick inside part of the wrapper.

Once it is ready and cooled, turn it out onto a plate and get ready to serve! These treats are sure to be a hit wherever you take them to.

13. Make a Birdseed Wreath

There is no reason animals should be left out of the bundt pan creativity. Bundt pans make great molds for making birdseed wreaths. Birdseed dishes are straightforward to make, and you can add seeds and goodies and find plenty of detailed instructions online with recipes. The best part is that you do not need many cooking skills in order to make them. The birds will not mind variations.

When the ingredients are combined, they can be pressed into a mold, such as a bundt pan. Once it hardens, you have a beautiful birdseed wreath that can be hung outside to attract birds. The wreath can be held onto either a post or a branch with some simple string and will add a decorative note to any yard. Not only is this a beautiful addition, but it can act as a fun craft to do. Really, everybody wins in this situation — you and the birds.

14. Turn it into a Gift Basket

We are sure that by now we have convinced you that a bundt pan is one of the kitchen's greatest tools. Obviously, everyone in your life needs one, right? The good news is, among all the bundt pan's other wonderful attributes, is that it also makes an amazing gift basket. If you are looking for the perfect gift for someone, you can use a bundt pan to build a kitchen gift basket. Stock the inside of the bundt pan with kitchen essentials such as spatulas or measuring cups. Or you can add in your favorite baking items like chocolate chips or chopped nuts. Tie it all up in a bow, and you have a practical and useful gift that anyone would love.

This does not have to be expensive. Sure, you can buy a fancy bundt pan in a cool design or in a funky color, but if you're stretched for money, hit up your local thrift store for a used one or a discount home goods store. You can likely find an inexpensive bundt that will do the trick and add joy to those that receive it.