The Easy Egg Slicer Hack You Should Start Using

In every kitchen, there seems to be "that" drawer. It is stuffed full, sometimes hard to open, and overflowing with kitchen gadgets which seemed useful at the time of purchase. While The Foodellers might tout the importance of an egg separator, avocado slicer, or even the strawberry huller, some home cooks might prefer a kitchen tool that can be used in more than one way. The humble egg slicer might be the hidden gem in your gadget drawer.

As Delighted Cooking states, an egg slicer turns hard boiled eggs into evenly portioned pieces. The device is made of two pieces, the wire cutting portion and the egg holder. One push and the egg is prepped. Since that method is simple, it has led some cooks to wonder what other foods could benefit from the ease of slicing. Although professional chefs can wield a chef's knife with precision, the home cook might prefer a hack to make quick work of perfect, evenly sliced produce. It might be time to take the egg slicer out of the drawer for more uses than just another egg salad recipe.

An egg slicer doesn't have to just cut eggs

A kitchen gadget that grandma might have sworn by for making that Cobb salad, the egg slicer does not have to be a one-off kitchen tool. Useful in its simplicity, the perfectly even hard boiled egg slices are easy to do. Even if copious amounts of eggs are enjoyed, there are some other incredible uses beyond the yolk.

According to Feels Like Home, the egg slicer can also help with slicing strawberries. The prep hack can help to easily remove the stem as well as cut the fruit into even pieces. The downside is that the orientation might not have the classic strawberry shape. If appearance is not an issue, this concept works. Or, consider taking off the stem and repositioning the berry to get a more classic cut shape.

In addition to strawberries, mushrooms can be sliced in a similar way. Overall, texture or a sharp cutting blade can impact what foods will work. Soft foods, like bananas or avocado, might not have as precise results. Basically, for this egg slicer hack to work, the food needs to have a similar consistency to a hard boiled egg or the grates need to be very sharp. Still, for home cooks who want to put down the knife and push their way through ingredient prep, this kitchen hack might be a time saver.

Which egg slicer should you add to the gadget drawer?

After discovering the many uses of an egg slicer, it might be time to purchase one. But, not all kitchen gadgets are the same. Although the basic premise is the same, heft, cost, and other factors vary.

Cuisine At Home suggests four different options based on durability, price, appearance, and overall value. Each one was evaluated looking at the characteristics of size, material, cleaning, and ease of use. While those factors are important, some home cooks go to bottom line, and make cost a priority. Depending on the options, the costs vary from below $10 to over $20. Basically, the user should determine how often, in what manner, and how much space they have in order to determine which option best suits their kitchen.

In the end, kitchen gadgets serve a purpose, and many times new uses are waiting to be discovered. That egg slicer might have been grandma's tool for egg salad, but it does not have to be a one hit wonder.